List of Wildlife Conservation Organizations in Pakistan.
Welcome to A number of government, non-government and international organizations in Pakistan are serving the cause of wildlife conservation. They aim to conserve the ecosystem and natural habitat by protecting their variety and nature.
Following organizations are working in the field of wildlife conservation in Pakistan.
WWF – Pakistan
We share our planet with millions of species of plants and animals – a wondrous variety of wildlife that enriches our lives in so many ways. Our planet is in crisis wildlife numbers have fallen by more than half since 1970, and species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate. WWF-Pakistan was established in 1970 to create a future where people could live in harmony with nature.
Zoological Survey of Pakistan (ZSP)
Zoological Survey of Pakistan (ZSP) is an attached Department of Ministry of Climate Change Islamabad, Pakistan. The department is mandated to obtain information on distribution, population dynamics, migratory patterns, status, habitat and taxonomy of animal life in Pakistan through surveys. Zoological Survey of Pakistan is responsible for advising the Government on all zoological matters including Conservation, Management, Export and Import of Wildlife.
IUCN – Pakistan
Pakistan’s wide variety of ecosystems and habitats range from the Arabian Sea in the south to the second highest peak in the world, K-2, in the north, all hosting a broad diversity of species these ecosystems are considered biologically outstanding ecoregions in the world. The IUCN Pakistan country office was established in 1985 and has been an important contributor to environmental work.
Sindh Wildlife Department
The fauna of Sindh live in an area with a semi arid climate. With its coastal and riverine forests, its huge fresh water lakes, mountains and deserts, Sindh supports a large and varied wildlife population. Due to the climate of Sindh, its forests support average population of jackals and snakes. The national parks established by the Government of Sindh, in collaboration Sindh Wildlife Department helps preserve a huge variety of animals and birds.
Balochistan Wildlife Department
The Balochistan Wildlife Department comes under the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife and is headed by a Provincial Secretary Forest and Wildlife. The Forests & Wildlife Department has history of over a century, initially established under the British Colonial Rule. Later on, the department was working under West Pakistan Forest Service and ultimately separated in 1970s as a Provincial Department.
KP Wildlife Department
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department which was notified as an attached Department in August, 1994, started as wing of Forest Department in 1975. The Wildlife Organization in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province emerged in 1974 as an ex-cadre wing of the Forest Department under the administrative control of Chief Conservator of Forests.
Punjab Wildlife Department
Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department was established as Game Department in 1934. The Department has a chequered history from 1934 – 1973 and the organization remained under administrative control of various departments. In 1973 it was declared as Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department and since then it is attached department of Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries Department. Presently, it is headed by Director General, Wildlife & Parks Punjab, assisted by one Director and 10 Deputy Director Wildlife in the Punjab.
Gilgit-Baltistan Wildlife and Tourism Department
The Gilgit-Baltistan of Pakistan are rich in flora and fauna because of varied climatic conditions and ecosystems.
Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar, Pakistan
Conservation of Natural Resources and Protection of Environment. The mission of the Pakistan forest Institute is to improve the quality of life through providing support of effective research and trained manpower for scientific management of forests, range lands, wildlife, watersheds, environment protection, and biodiversity conservation in Pakistan.
Pakistan Animal Welfare Society
Pakistan Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) coordinates help for animals in need by putting people in touch with each other through social media. We find homes for rescued animals that are up for adoption. We advocate humane stray dog management, legislation for animal welfare laws and work towards increasing compassion towards all sentient beings.
World Animal Protection
We are World Animal Protection. We were known as WSPA. (World Society for the Protection of Animals) we’ve moved the world to protect animals for the last 30 years. Our mission is to create a better world for animals. We move the world to protect animals.
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation
The objectives of the foundation are to help protect, preserve, conserve, manage and sustainably utilize wildlife and their habitats in the country.
Himalayan Wildlife Foundation
The Himalayan Wildlife Foundation was established in 1993 in Islamabad, Pakistan under the Social Welfare Agencies (Registration & Control) Ordinance, 1961 with the aim of protecting and managing the country’s natural resources and cultural heritage. The Himalayan Wildlife Foundation is striving hard for the conservation of monuments like Rohtas Fort and wildlife, nature and biodiversity conservation like Deosai National Park in the northern areas of Pakistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
Wildlife of Pakistan
The wildlife of Pakistan comprises a diverse flora and fauna in a wide range of habitats from sea level to high elevation areas in the mountains, including 177 mammal and 660 bird species.
Biodiversity & Wildlife of Pakistan
The wildlife of Pakistan comprises a diverse flora and fauna.
Wikiwand Wildlife of Pakistan
Pakistan wildlife comprises a diverse fauna and flora in a wide range of habitats from sea level to high elevation areas in the mountains, including 177 mammal and 660 bird species. This diverse composition of the country’s fauna is associated with its location in the transitional zone between two major zoo-geographical regions, the Palearctic, and the Oriental.
Wildlife of Pakistan – Hunza Adventure Tours
The mountainous areas embracing the Himalayan, Karakorum and Hindu-kush Ranges are rich in fauna and flora, as compared to other parts of the country. These areas provide an excellent habitat for wildlife in the form of alpine grazing lands, sub-alpine scrub and temperate forests. These habitats support a variety of wild animals.
Wildlife Conservation Society
For over 18 years the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Pakistan Program has helped 65 communities build new governance institutions based on natural resource management and sustainable development. The program has also built multiple-community conservancies and linked them with the provincial government, in some cases providing the first platform for community and community-government coordination. WCS has trained government staff and over 100 community rangers to protect forests and wildlife.
Pakistan – Snow Leopard Trust
The snow leopard finds a home in the Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountains in Pakistan’s northern provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.
Pakistan – Snow Leopard Network
The Snow Leopard Network (SLN) is a worldwide organization dedicated to facilitating the exchange of information and insights between individuals around the world for the purpose of snow leopard conservation.
Snow Leopard Conservancy
The Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC) was founded by Dr. Rodney Jackson, a leading expert on snow leopards and their habitat. We work with local partners and herder communities, the front line in preserving the biodiversity of Central Asia’s high mountains.
Journal of Wildlife and Ecology Pakistan
Journal of Wildlife and Ecology publishes original research focusing on wildlife, anthropogenic impact on wildlife and environmental study.
Pakistan Journal of Zoology
Zoological Society Of Pakistan. The Zoologists, gathered in Dacca in 1968 on the occasion of the Annual Conference of Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science, decided to form a society for promotion of science of zoology in all its branches, both pure and applied, by organizing seminars, symposium and conferences, and providing facilities for publication of the research work being done in the country.